iPhone用有料アプリにおけるYouTube API/MapKitの使用可否について

YouTube API を使った有料 iPhone アプリは利用規約違反(だと思う)という記事。
YouTube APIを使用したアプリを開発しているので、

YouTube APIを使用した有料アプリを開発するのは一定の条件下でOK

YouTube API利用規約では

The following commercial uses are permitted provided that You comply with all other terms and conditions of this Agreement:

. the sale of an API Client;
また、YouTubeの公式ブログにはYouTube APIs + iPhone = Cool mobile appsという記事があり、

The YouTube APIs Terms of Service permits commercial use of the APIs under certain conditions, and in most cases, as long as you play fair, you are free (and highly encouraged) to develop great iPhone apps using the YouTube APIs and sell them in the iTunes App Store.
Using the YouTube APIs to Build Monetizable Applicationsというページには

Charging customers to use your application or service

You can also charge customers for using your application. However, please note that you cannot levy fees specifically for the ability to watch a video, upload a video or access any other API functionality.

For example, you could write an iPhone application that uses the YouTube API and then sell that application on the iPhone app store. You could also sell a subscription for a service that repackages content available through the API, such as a service that looks at your friends activities on YouTube and highlights your shared interests.

With those examples in mind, the following business models are acceptable:

* You can charge a subscription or one-time fee for users to have access to your entire site or application.
* You can charge a subscription or one-time fee for access to premium features on your site, which may include YouTube-specific functionality.

なので、基本的にはYouTube APIを使ったアプリを有料で販売するのは問題ないはずです。


9.1 Free, Public Accessibility to Your Maps API Implementation. Your Maps API Implementation must be generally accessible to users without charge. You may require users to log in to your Maps API Implementation if you do not require users to pay a fee. Unless you have entered into a separate written agreement with Google or obtained Google's written permission, your Maps API Implementation must not:

License Restrictions

10.4 charge users or any other third party any incremental fee solely for the use of the Maps API Implementation, the Service, or the Content, unless you have entered into a separate written agreement with Google or obtained Google's written permission to do so (but if you are a consultant who creates or hosts Maps API Implementations for third party customers, you may charge such customers a fee for your consulting or hosting services);

any incremental fee solely for the use of the Maps API Implementation

No, it is fine to have MapKit in a paid app.
However it is not OK to charge users just to enable the mapkit features.

Example of things not allowed:
in app purchase that just enables Google Maps API.

YouTube API利用規約における

please note that you cannot levy fees specifically for the ability to watch a video, upload a video or access any other API functionality

ということで、YouTube APIもMapKitもiPhone用有料アプリで使用しても大丈夫なのではないかと。